The Bunny Agency

How does OnlyFans work?

When asked about which is the fastest growing social network, many individuals would answer with household names such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat.
However, those guesses would be wrong because there’s a social media network that dwarfs the growth rates of all of those social media sites combined. That site’s name? OnlyFans
While other social media platforms struggle to continue to attract and add new users, OnlyFans goes from strength to strength.
It is getting bigger and bigger.   Already with seven million daily active users (DAU), OnlyFans is onboarding over 3,000 new content creators a week and has over 1,000 unique users registering every hour. But what’s so special about the content creators of this website that’s driving such insatiable demand?

How does OnlyFans work?

OnlyFans users are split into two categories, content creators and paying subscribers. 

Unlike other social platforms such as YouTube or PornHub, there’s no middle ground that allows viewers to access premium content for free by watching adverts.


With no restrictions on content, OnlyFans creators put out whatever they are comfortable with while charging subscribers to view the content. 

For many models and performers, this works on a monthly subscription basis whereby a subscriber will pay upward of $10 a month each to view intimate and explicit content.


However, performers often negotiate specific services or performances, like a 1:1 Call, Girlfriend Experience or Custom Content for one, or a group, of subscribers with ad-hoc payments of upwards of $100, $1000 or way more – made in exchange for acting out custom requests.


Now you understand how the platform works; let’s dig deeper into the details of how both creators and subscribers use the platform.



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