The Bunny Agency

When do onlyfans subscriptions automatically renew?

OnlyFans subscriptions are set to automatically renew by default, unless the creator or the subscriber decides to cancel the subscription. This means that when a subscriber signs up for a subscription to a creator’s OnlyFans account, the subscription will automatically renew on the same day each month until it is cancelled.

For example, if a subscriber signs up for a subscription on December 1st, the subscription will automatically renew on January 1st, and continue to renew on the first of each month unless it is cancelled. OnlyFans subscriptions can be cancelled at any time by the creator or the subscriber.

Some creators offer different subscription options, such as weekly or yearly subscriptions, which will renew on the same day each week or year unless cancelled. It is important for subscribers to be aware of when their subscriptions will renew and to cancel if they no longer wish to support the creator.

In conclusion, OnlyFans subscriptions are set to automatically renew by default, unless cancelled by the creator or the subscriber. Subscribers should be aware of when their subscriptions will renew and take action if they no longer wish to support the creator.

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